Squashing the Spread

Touchable Design’s first giveaway was a decal featuring a logo I created last summer. The logo was a pro bono project for a group I helped launch to combat COVID-19 in our community. We recently found ourselves in need of thank-you gifts for people choosing to get a COVID vaccine at our pop-up clinics. I got the word out to my local clients, Cork’s Popcorn and Cox Farms Peanut Brittle who were happy to contribute their delicious products, but I wanted to offer a little something from Touchable Design, too. Now, the 40 people we vaccinated will have a lasting reminder of the good they have done for their neighbors in Bulloch County, Georgia.

Selfie credit goes to Shari Barr, local city councilwoman and effective COVID-19 combatant.

Megan and friend at vaccine pop-up event

Logo stickers


Decal printed by StickerMule.com. Banner printed locally by Action Signs.